Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Exit Through the Gift Shop" Response

I thought the "Exit Through the Gift Shop" video was really interesting because it showed behind the scenes of the artists who did graffiti and showed that the artists didn't create their artwork to "destroy" or "vandalize" property like most people see it as. Banksy makes his art more important than himself but in turn, because he remains anonymous, he is so well known to people and is admired by other artists. While going through some of his images, I noticed that his art  represents light and humorous pieces but then can also represent heavy and serious issues as well.  I found this image below and really enjoyed it because it was a fun "play on words". PARKING was already painted on the building but began to fade (so much that it was hard to see) and Banksy repainted and made PARK bold and clear to see and then added a young girl swinging from the A like it was a swing set at a park.

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